Reddit bringing r/place once again for the April fool's 2022

The largest Reddit are/place board is coming back once again for the April Fool's 2022. We will have fun together!
Reddit bringing r/place once again

Reddit is all set to bring back the r/place chaotic art project board for the upcoming April Fool's 2022.

Reddit first launched the art project r/place back in 2017. It was successful by presenting 16 million color pixel tiles on the 1000*1000 large tile canvas from more than 1 million users. The logged-in Users were given the opportunity to place a single tile on the large canvas once every 5 minutes.

Reddit executive vice president, Alex Le, for strategy and special projects, stated on Monday that they are going to revive the r/place board for another April fool's experiment. This time it aims to showcase the power of online communities, conversation, and collaboration.

On the other hand, Reddit made a straight announcement that r/place is returning on April 1st for the first time in Reddit history.


What is the Reddit r/place board for?

Every year, Reddit tries to find some approach or experiment to grow its community and find belonging among users worldwide.

Five years ago, it was launched r/place (a reddit board dedicated to art and memes) to experiment with its first community powers, conversation and collaboration regarding April Fool's. Interestingly, the first r/place experiment was successful by displaying more than 16 million tiles on a single large digital canvas from 1 million logged-in redditors.

This time, it's way more special with more than 500 million (expected) redditors around the world taking part in showing how a single piece of tile can make a huge massive collaboration together.

The April Fool's r/place will be available for adding tiles on April 1st and will end on April 4th, for a total of 4 days' duration.

How do you participate in the Reddit r/place board?

If you want to take part in or contribute to the biggest and greatest Reddit board in the world, you have to be logged-in as a verified redditor. While there are some rules and regulations, such as you have to wait 5 minutes after you can tap anywhere on the largest 1000*1000 blank canvas to add your single tile.

To find the r/place, you can easily navigate the search bar by searching for "P" letter or you can look through the community tab right on the search bar. Users who haven't registered or logged in will be able to see the live large canvas growing itself but can't add self tile on the canvas.

What is the purpose of r/place board?

This time r/place art board will be brought to the annual April Fool's event, which will be held on Friday, April 1st, 2022. The April Fool's Day is a conventional annual event in which people take part in practical jokes and hoaxes.

This time r/place board is expected to be floated by a large number of Ukrainian and Russian war, as well as geographical regions and memes from around the world. People from all over the world share their thoughts, images, and styles to demonstrate how a community works and to share culture with one another.

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